About this Event
The Ride and Tie Association is pleased to announce the return of the Jim Steere Memorial Veterinary Student Scholarship. All currently enrolled veterinary students are invited to apply. A total award of $3000 will be dispersed for this year’s scholarship. The outstanding essay that is suitable for publishing in the Ride and Tie Association's monthly newsletter will be awarded up to $2000 with runners-up eligible for the remaining award amount.
Essay requirements include:
1. The essay is limited to 1000 words and must be accompanied by a list of references used in the essay. Figures and diagrams may be included if relevant to the content.
2. The topic is at the discretion of the veterinary student. Examples of winning past essays can be requested from Dr. Melinda Newton at m.newtondvm@gmail.com or by visiting the Ride and Tie website at http://www.rideandtie.org/education/vet-scholarship/.
3. A cover letter must be submitted in conjunction with the essays that include the student's name, email, contact information, school, and year of graduation. The cover letter may also include other introductory information. Personal information such as name, school, and gender will be redacted from essays sent to the judging committee.
4. Submissions and questions regarding the scholarship can be directed to Dr. Melinda Newton. Submissions are accepted in either PDF or word doc formats.
5. All essays must be received by Dr. Newton by the deadline of January 15, 2024.