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Free Event

The Challenges of Securing a Future for African Elephants

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 12:00 - 12:50 pm (Eastern Time)

Varis Lecture Hall & Zoom. Register here for details. 

This seminar is part of the Animal Matters Seminar Series presented by Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy (CAPP),  Tufts Elephant Conservation Alliance (TECA), and Tufts Wildlife, Aquatics, Zoo and Exotic Medicine (WAZE)

Ms. Gini Cowell is a wildlife conservationist who co-manages Elephant Aware Masai Mara in southern Kenya with her family and a team of Maasai wildlife rangers. Since 2011, Cowell is a member of the team studying elephant behavior in the Masai Mara under the mentorship of Dr. Joyce Poole, University of Cambridge. She works with the Maasai community to prevent wildlife conflict and encourage community participation in conservation efforts. To this end, they sponsor programs for women and girls to help educate and supply them with tools and equipment to improve their daily lives. In exchange, Maasai community members are actively involved in conservation efforts, as they understand the various benefits in preserving both wildlife and their heritage.

Cowell’s conservation work includes training rangers to identify elephants for census purposes, to alert veterinary services should animals be injured or trapped, and other skills for their work safeguarding elephants. Born in Kenya and educated in Nairobi, Cowell travels to Europe and the U.S. to raise awareness about elephant conservation.
She has written for several publications including National Geographic. Her blog can be accessed at

Register in advance here:  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the seminar remotely or in person.

Made possible by the generous support of Elizabeth A. Lawrence Endowed Fund and Tufts Elephant Conservation Alliance

Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy


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