Events Calendar

IVM Forum: Riley Aronson - Calm down, everything will be OK! – Following dreams and finding new interests

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 12pm to 12:50pm

3 Library Cir, North Grafton, MA 01536

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IVM Forum

Calm down, everything will be OK! – Following dreams and finding new interests

Presented by

Riley Aronson, DVM

V’21 Graduate from Cummings 

Riley Aronson, DVM,  moved from Texas to New England in 2013 for university (A’17) & veterinary school (V’21) at Tufts. She completed her DVM with thesis as part of the IVM post-graduate certificate program, through which she was able to spend 3 months in Indonesia working with Bornean orangutans on a diagnostic imaging project. She fell in love with ambulatory medicine and ophthalmology during clinical rotations, and remained passionate about zoo, international, & conservation medicine. These interests were reinforced during her small animal rotating internship at North Carolina State University. She then returned to TCSVM for a specialty internship in ophthalmology the following year, and is currently an ophthalmology research fellow at the University of Florida. This year, she has traveled to different veterinary schools, gathering data on the outcomes of phacoemulsification in all species from 21 institutions. She starts her combined 3-year ophthalmology residency & master’s degree program at Colorado State University in July. Outside of veterinary medicine, Riley enjoys photography, rollerblading, & travel. 


Please register at this link so that we can plan appropriately for food!

*Note: First 20 people to sign up will have influence over food portions and selection.


Please note that attending this forum is a requirement for IVM Post Graduate Certificate students. 

Students enrolled in the Global Population Health/ Advanced IVM Elective, which includes all First year DVM/MPH

students, are required to attend and write a reflection about at least four IVM Forums throughout the year.

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