Events Calendar

201 Westboro Road, North Grafton, MA 01536

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All students in your program are required to receive an annual flu vaccine. The deadline to submit flu documentation is December 1, 2023.


Students must upload proof to FLU Vaccine- Qualtrics.  


Shaw’s/Starmarket will be holding student flu and COVID vaccine clinics on the Boston campus on the following dates listed below and locations.


You must register for an appointment to receive your vaccine. Use the following Clinic Registration Link for flu clinic dates listed below: 





Shaw’s/Starmarket will give you proof of vaccination for your records, you may also want to take a picture of it. You will be required to upload your flu documentation to the following FLU Vaccine- Qualtrics.


If vaccinated elsewhere you must upload your documentation to FLU Vaccine- Qualtrics.


If you have questions, please email


Thank you,

Gianna Vroom  

Event Details